Our men have embraced the mission of our church, transformed by God to bring hope to others through Christ. In short, we love God and one another. Whether through a life group, men’s Bible studies, and/or through prayer, we love to connect with God and one another through devotion and fellowship (and often, food). If you would like to sign up for the Men’s Ministry Email Group, please click here. If you would like information in general about Men’s Ministry, please click here.

Weekly opportunities
Tuesday Morning Breakfast & Bible Study We meet each Tuesday morning at 6:05 in the Quad Room for breakfast, Bible study and prayer.
Tuesday Evening Men’s Bible Study At certain times of the year, we offer an evening session in addition to the morning program.
Men’s prayer Thursdays at 6:10am. We meet both via Zoom and in-person at the church. Contact us for more info.
Groups Whether through one of our men’s Bible Studies and/or through a Life Group, we encourage you to connect weekly with your brothers in Christ! In addition to studying and growing together, we encourage you to share a meal, watch a game, or go hiking together as we build deeper and lasting relationships!
Monthly opportunities
Men’s Meals
2nd Thursday of each month, Men’s lunch, 12:00pm in the Church Cafe.
There are always opportunities to serve. This is one of the easiest ways we can get to know one another. You can sign up to serve in an ongoing capacity or sign up to serve at special events/outreaches (or both!).