• Baptism– If you’ve made a decision to receive Jesus as your Savior and follow Him, then we would love to celebrate baptism with you. Baptism is a picture of what happens inside of us. It’s a picture of you dying to your old self and being resurrected into new life in Christ.
• Discover Your Church– A single session course designed to help you understand what ‘engagement’ at COTN looks like, we’ll explore our core beliefs as Nazarenes and how those impact our daily living as a church family. This course is required to become a member. If you are not ready for membership but consider us your church, then we strongly encourage you to attend! Click HERE for more information or to sign up! Below are our upcoming dates for Discover Your Church!
• Join a Group– Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. As followers of Jesus, we’re called to live in community with others, and we invite you to join us in doing life together. We have different groups to help us connect with others, grow in our faith, and care for one another.
• Membership– In the Church of the Nazarene we value membership. Taking this step is an intimate way to say I am committed to this local church family in a deeper way. We see it as joining in a covenant relationship with the local church family. We invite you to prayerfully consider taking this step (Discover Your Church course is required).
• Serve– Jesus calls us to love and serve one another. Participation is better than observation. Our church needs all kinds of people with all kinds of skills to serve our church family, our community, and our world. We would love to help you find your place to serve!