What are our expectations of what it means to Go? More importantly, what are His? Thanks for joining us today!
GO: move from one place to another; travel.
Acts 1:3-8
Acts 8:4-5
“Discipleship means personal, passionate devotion to a Person— our Lord Jesus Christ. There is a vast difference between devotion to a person and devotion to principles or to a cause.” -Oswald Chambers
The concept of going:
Matthew 28:18-20
The people of God are now called from centripetal living to centrifugal living
Back to our story of Philip:
Acts 8:26-29
Acts 8:40
What does this mean for the Church today?
- The expectation of the call/commission of Jesus to his followers to “GO” is not one of extra credit or optional by nature. It is to be embodied by all who are part of God’s Kingdom.